30 September 2015

The Mr. Rogers Approach to Your Periscope Broadcast!

Last night on the TABLE SCRAPS SCOPE, Ruckus and I discussed HOW TO HAVE AN AWESOME BROADCAST. We called it the Mr. Rogers Approach. If you think about it, Mr. Rogers was the original Periscoper. He would broadcast everyday, and in doing so-we got to explore the world through his eyes. The only difference is, we could not immediately connect with him via our comments! But…. everything else remains the same.  If you watch an episode of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood you will find…

*Each broadcast has a catchy title
*The viewers are greeted as soon as Mr. Rogers enters the room
*All viewers are treated equally and with respect!
* Viewers are kept engaged
*Great content
*Inspiration and Information
* Consistency! Mr. Rogers always stated that he would be back      
   the next day with more ideas for us! 

All in all, the Mr. Rogers Approach comes down to community, content and kindness! 

Click >>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<to see the broadcast!!!!

Thanks for taking a peek! 


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